Saturday, January 14, 2012

Summer and rheumatism?

It's January yet, but the sun in Manila is already threatening to be blistering hot in another month or two! Thanks to the occasional cloud cover and some cold air, we still have a very lovely weather.

Summer and rheumatism? 
from clip art
Many believe that rheumatism/ arthritis  is linked to cold weather (2nd only to the Bean Story - several posts back). Some even say that arthritis is caused by cold weather (what? so all humans living in Iceland, Canada, etc have arthritis?)

I hear these complaints more during the short cold months that the Philippines have, but surely, the same patients come any time of the year with bad arthritis, weaving stories of other causes for the pains - ate this, drank that, hexed, etc.

Truth of the matter is that, patients truly feel the tightening and pain in the joints, arms, legs and back, during the cold season. This is partly due to a phenomenon called allodynia. This is that  condition where one reacts with  pain when exposed to otherwise non-painful sources, like cold weather, draft from the airconditioner or open window and even, touch. Allodynia is commonly observed in chronic pain conditions, including rheumatism and arthritis.

During the hot months of summer, indeed, a form of rheumatic disease - lupus- can be exacerbated by exposure to sun. This condition carries with it arthritis, skin rashes ( specially on sun exposure), and even kidney, lung and brain disease. This is an uncommon condition, though among the brown and black race, this disease can be seen more often. Lupus patients are advised to:

1. avoid sun exposure or wear enough sun screen if they have to (absolutely no sun bathing!)
2. check with their rheumatologist regularly
3. comply with maintenance medications. 

Once lupus is controlled, patients can be back working, marrying and having children, etc.

Cold weather and arthritis? Not really...

Summer and arthritis? Why, yes...

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