Saturday, September 1, 2012

Calisthenics: when was the last time you did it?

        The Merriam -Webster dictionary defines the word as systematic, rhythmic bodily exercises performed usually without apparatus.

        Fifty years ago, I recall my Grade 1 teacher, Ms. Rose Cabaron, (any current information about her is most welcome) leading us out of the classroom in a bee line, to bring us out to the sunny, grassy school quadrangle, for our regular calisthenics. She would have an empty can and a wooden stick to drum up counts 1 - 8, then 8 -1, for the head roll up, side, down, side and up again; for arms forward, upward, sideward, down, repeat, till you are down to count 1 again. Then while arms are in sideward position, we twist to the right and left, and the tin drum goes tang, tang, tang, tang 1- 8, 8-1. Then we should march in place, "feet high up" - she would holler, and the tin drum goes, tang, tang, tang. This was repeated several times, and when we were all sweaty and in all probability, smelly- she would then herd us back to the classroom for the rest of the lessons. (Thanks Ms. Cabaron!)

      Why talk about calisthenics after 50 years? It crosses my mind now why children in elementary grades had to go through such boring routine, when they should be jumping, running, climbing and even falling at that age.
       This is because calisthenics is the easiest exercise routine that can be done by ALL people, age 5 -95, with arthritis or not - as in, by all.  

      It can be done in the bedroom, on waking up, even while still seated at the edge of the bed (for those with knee or hip arthritis who have pain on standing), in the bathroom before dipping the "tabo" or opening the shower. It can be done by the busy mom who needs to fix kids for school before sun rise, for the business man who is averse to the gym, by the gym buff who knows that the body needs rest from heavy gym routines, and even by the teenager who is busy with, whatever- school, iPads, fb, etc. The stay at home moms can do this before doing the laundry, cooking, potato couching and even after!

       Calisthenics are essentially range of motion exercises, and for the uninitiated, heaviness and pain may be experienced as the limbs are moved. The muscles of the arms, legs and buttocks provide the natural resistance or weight. When done slowly -no jerky motion, please, the pain eases over a few weeks and the repetitions can then be increased.

       I used to attend a nice non air-conditioned gym, where I really sweated it out. But now, with less time and the distance of the place, I reverted to calisthenics. This way, I spend less, and has no more reason at all not to do the basic body maintenance required as we age. 

       This is an invitation to do calisthenics, add on the hula-hula for the hips, and any innovations you feel will move as many muscles there are in you. Just do it slow and deliberate, and feel the stretch (and pain) and enjoy the relaxing feeling after. Don't forget a good tall glass of 
WATER with it!

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