Saturday, February 12, 2011

Some facts about arthritis

Did you know that...

 ... that there are more than 100 different kinds of arthritis?

... of these 100 different kinds, only 1 is caused by uric acid -rich foods?

... that children can have arthritis?

... some arthritis develop after having infections
tonsillitis, diarrhea and sexually transmitted diseases?


  1. Wow, more than a hundred kinds of arthritis! May I ask what are the ones most commonly found in diabetes? Thanks.

  2. Hi openid. Thank you for the interest.
    Among diabetics, hand rheumatism consisting of pain in the palm and stiffness of fingers, with clicking of the involved fingers when flexed and extended ("trigger finger")is quite common. When several of fingers are involved, the fingers may assume the "prayer sign", or difficulty of fully extending or stretching the fingers and putting one hand and all fingers fully flat against the other hand.
