Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sleep lack and arthritis - any link?

Yes indeed, there is. Have you ever gone through night or nights without sleep, or a jet lag perhaps and got aches all over, aside from feeling heavy, and feverish? If you haven't, you must be the exception- contact me!

It is now known that the sleep wake cycle (meaning sleeping nights and awake daytime, not the other way around please) directs special hormones and blood elements called cytokines, to switch on and off important brain centers and specialized organs, to create a refreshed state - this, usually after a night sleep of 7-8 hours. Short of this, (which most of us have), these blood elements direct what is known as "sickness behavior" -fatigue, pain, reduced activity, depressed mood, decreased sexual behavior and a string of other disorders.

Ever wondered why when you should just go on and sleep after a grave yard shift, you can't because of muscle and joint pains? This is part of the sickness behavior. Sustain the wakefulness another day or for several more days, the sickness behavior can blow up into actual illness - inflammation of joints, blood vessels, and other organs. In fact, after a night of lack of sleep, the blood examination CRP, can be elevated, and this has been traced to higher risk for heart attacks, among others.

Sleep  is the periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored. (Mirriam-Webster)

Sleep equals restoration- simple and fair enough!

If you are in a sleep predicament:
  1. Go see the sleep specialist (a pulmonary internist, a neurologist or an ENT specializing in sleep)
  2.  "have to" shift that shift - dont get stuck in the graveyard one
  3. Insomniac? Check your sleep environment - flickering tube light, laptop light, must be replaced with a yellow steady light of the old fashioned incandescent bulb and a good book (added personal endorsement here)
  4. Block off that noise (snoring significant other needs # 1 and for the neighbor karaoke-ing, ear plugs, you can find good ones in Handyman or Ace...)
  5. Warm glass of milk? - some do with coffee ??? or tea ...

clip art, Windows
Go get enough sleep!

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